Prairie Meadows Announces Youth and Sports Recreational Grant Program

As a nonprofit organization, Prairie Meadows supports organizations that foster arts and culture, education, economic development, and human services. Through our grant programs, we continually work to strengthen and expand opportunities, infrastructure, and services offered within the community. We’re proud to announce our newest grant program — Youth Sports and Recreational grants — which encourages the recreational and physical livelihoods of young people 19 and under.

This grant program is focused on improving equipment, instruments, facilities, and uniforms to motivate participation in sports, band, cheerleading, and other recreational activities. Through this program, Prairie Meadows seeks to benefit as many qualified organizations as possible with the funds available. Youth Sports and Recreational Grant requests can be in the range of $1,000 – $50,000.

“Prairie Meadows has a long history of giving back to and bettering the community,” said Community Relations Director Julie Stewart. “We’re proud to offer a grant program that will encourage and enrich the next generation. It’s imperative that young people have a foundation that encourages a healthy mind and body, and this program promotes those objectives.”

Applicants must be nonprofit, tax-exempt organizations within the state of Iowa and meet specific government criteria. Although not every application will result in an award, each application is carefully evaluated on overall community impact, compliance with Prairie Meadows guidelines, and availability of funds. All projects must take place between July 1, 2020 and July 1, 2021 to be considered by the Prairie Meadows Grant Advisory Committee and ultimately be approved by the Prairie Meadows Board of Directors. Applicants will receive notice of the board’s decision in July 2020.

“Prairie Meadows will always support programs that uphold our own standards of financial accountability and impact a measurable number of people across Iowa,” said Stewart. “We’re looking for programs that are focused on effective and safe activities, provide meaningful results, and allow new opportunities to a considerable number of young people.”

The deadline to submit a grant application is Friday, February 28, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. For more details on eligibility, guidelines, templates, and how to apply for the Prairie Meadows Youth Sports and Recreational Grant, click here.                                   

Check out this video for more details on our Legacy, Community Betterment, and Youth Sports and Recreational Grants and how to apply.

For more information or to apply for a Prairie Meadows Grant, follow the link below.


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